You can still join us in making a difference!

July 22nd, 2020 was Glioblastoma Awareness Day, but we’re still working to raise money and awareness.

The Glioblastoma Support Network is holding a Virtual 5k Walk/Run during the week of July 19-25, 2020. Each Ticket/Donation is $25.00. A Virtual 5k can be done on your treadmill at home, or in the park, or where ever it works!

Wear a gray shirt, because Grey matters for Brain Cancer.

Some proceeds will be used to distribute Caregiver Kits to Caregivers of GBM.

Glioblastoma Support Network Virtual 5k
Glioblastoma Virtual 5k Run

You can register online HERE.

Be sure to take pictures during your Walk/Run and post on our Facebook page.

After the run, we will send all donors, a GSN Facemask, or GSN Cooling Pack.

Glioblastoma Support Network Facebook
Glioblastoma Support Network Facebook 2
Glioblastoma Support Network Facebook 3

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