
Stay financially organized during your time of loss.

Discussing Finances

Dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy, and grief can bring on a variety of emotions that you might not be prepared for. Before you have time to fully process those emotions, you’ll face a long list of decisions to make for your future. Many of the decisions you need to make are financial and require clear thinking in a time filled with stress, which is never an easy task. Some decisions can wait until you’ve had time to process your loss. But others are time sensitive.

Here are some suggestions on how to prepare for your financial future after the passing of a loved one:


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Additional Financial Tasks

  • While your spouse is ill contact current place of work so you can discuss time off, FMLA pay and or possible dismissal of work depending on the severity of illness. 
  • While spouse is ill be sure all health insurance companies are contacted and paid-to-date. This includes Medicare plans as well. 
  • Make sure all life insurance is paid-to-date this becomes useful in paying for final expenses and any medical bills. 
  • After spouse passes, be sure to contact health and life insurance companies, this way they will be able to get information out quicker for you to be able to get help and advice on what the next step is. 
  • Notify all billing companies. This includes, credit card companies, loan companies, and banks you are using to make sure your money and your spouse’s money is kept safe. Send a copy of the death certificate to any credit cards, household bills, and auto companies that may be in your spouse’s name to let them know of your spouse’s passing. These companies may be able to give you a break in your billing cycles and or refund paid money back to you depending on your financial situation. 
  • Notify your financial advisor to get help with life insurance companies as needed. They can contact these companies if your policies are through that broker/agent.